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SC SMILEY DESIGN S.R.L. (hereinafter referred to as SMILEY DESIGN) shall not transfer ownership of the software applications (SMILEY DESIGN solutions).
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All information, products or applications contained on this website are the property of SMILEY DESIGN, which reserves the right to modify the content and/or structure of the website at any time and without prior notice.
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Consequently, SMILEY DESIGN cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by the use of its website.
All the information presented on the website regarding SMILEY DESIGN products, prices, information, marketing campaigns and promotions, technical issues, are presented for information purposes only. Nothing in the content of www.victoriasmirror.ro website may constitute a firm offer to contract and may not engage SMILEY DESIGN liability in the absence of further agreements.

The objective of the website content is to convey up-to-date and accurate information. SMILEY DESIGN cannot guarantee that these pages are free of errors, and assures it shall use its best endeavours in order to obtain accurate information and correct any errors.
Any person wishing to purchase one of the services or products presented on the website is kindly requested to contact SMILEY DESIGN by one of the means displayed on the Contact page, to inquire about the availability of the service or product in question as well as on contractual terms, rates and technical or other information.

When information is requested through this website, it aims at identifying you or being able to contact you. The nature of the requested information relates in particular to personal data (name, address, telephone numbers), email address, the manner in which SMILEY DESIGN products are used or intended to be used, but may include other information which are closely related to the use of the requested services and / or products.
In order to better respond to the needs and questions of the users of the website, the information requested through this website shall be stored and processed electronically.

This website may contain links or references to other websites considered by SMILEY DESIGN useful in connection with the content of its website and which is not under its control or guidance. In the event of using these links or references, the general conditions of use for those websites shall apply.
SMILEY DESIGN cannot guarantee / control the up-to-date / accuracy of the information present on third-party websites, which is referred to on its website.

Any person visiting the website www.victoriasmirror.ro and providing data or personal information via this website express the explicit and unambiguous consent for the following: Processing of data and personal information by Amplusnet for market research; Sending promotional material specific to direct marketing operations; Settlement by Amplusnet of requests, questions and complaints submitted (see the Contact page of the website); Other activities undertaken by Amplusnet and allowed by law, which are not subject to the recipient's approval. Amplusnet shall keep the information confidential.
Further use of this website constitutes your explicit and unambiguous consent in accordance with the provisions of Law 677/2001 and the GDPR Guidelines for the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and the Free Movement of such Data. For any questions on the exercise of your rights regarding the use of the website and the protection of the use, please contact us through the Contact section of the website.

E Crăciunul Ho Ho Ho....

Dragi clienți,

Echipa Vctoria’s Mirror vă urează un Crăciun Fericit, plin de căldură și momente frumoase alături de cei dragi, și un An Nou cu sănătate, bucurii și realizări remarcabile!

În perioada sărbătorilor, vom fi în concediu și vom relua activitatea începând cu 8 ianuarie 2025.

Între timp, puteți plasa intenții de comandă sau solicita oferte prin site-ul nostru. Toate cererile vor fi prelucrate cu prioritate imediat după această dată.

Sărbători fericite și un An Nou plin de succes!